A different time in Paris

One major lesson, or reality, of our time in France is that we are perpetually gazing into the future with only a vague vision of our destination. We have a few waypoints in the months ahead but the final destination is still unclear. Though we are staying in an apartment in the 15th arrondissement our…

Wales to Penzance to Paris

If you have followed my travel blogs for even a short time you know that I have an obsession about packing light, which includes my sketching kit. This Daily Humor from the New Yorker made me smile. We took a small-group day-tour to get out and see some of the countryside of Wales. The first…

Drivers licence, Dacia, and the duvet dance

Cooking, planning, and chores can sure mess up sketching time, but at last now we are near Paris. We originally reserved this apartment as a place to stay while we sold our car – three weeks seemed like plenty of time to get it done, while allowing us to just live in a French community…