Music, monastery, castle, and smoky food

How can you not love Dublin? On my way to find a barber, I listened to a Gaelic singer playing a harp, how cool is that? We kicked it up a notch or two in Dublin. Temple Bar is the heart of the action in Dublin, it is also the name of popular place for…

Dubrovnik still charming us

Dubrovnik continues to charm us. What was once a quiet, off the radar, destination, or so fellow blogger Lynnette of “In the Net! – Pictures and Stories of Life” tells me, is now a busy destination thanks to the filming location of The Game of Thrones. Still we cannot get over the magic of the…

This week in Peñiscola

It has been a good week here in the south of Spain. The old town of Penñiscola is quite a place. January is a month when a lot of the business owners take their vacations so many places were closed. We stayed in the old town and castle area for most of the time, except…