Nanterre, with a day trip to Paris

We are in Nanterre until 3 June when we fly to Dublin. Here is our world until early July when we go back to La Thebauderie, for another chapter change in our life.

We took a day trip into Paris, pretty easy: The 258 bus stops just a few feet from our apartment, we take it to Gare La Defense, then we caught the M1 Metro for the Hôtel de Ville Station. Our plan was to go to the Pantheon, but after a 20 minute walk we discovered that the line was too long, so we headed out to find lunch.

As we crossed the Ponte Neuf a river tour boat was passing by, it gave us a real reminder of what Paris will be like at the end of July when the Olympic crowds have arrived. This does not look fun.

We stopped at Luxembourg Gardens and I did a sketch on this sunny spring day in Paris.

Back in Nanterre, we went back to L’Apostrophe. I figured it was time for me to try one of the classic French apéros, pastis. It has a strong licorice flavor, thus it is diluted with five parts water and ice, I think it could grow on you.

We had a wonderful time grazing on La Planche Mixte Charcuterie & Fromages.

Back at the apartment we cooked polenta the next day, with a lot of comte cheese it is one of our favorites.

Yesterday we went to the Centre Ville of Nanterre for the first time, we found a small brasserie for lunch. We love the places popular with the locals, so this was perfect.

Life it good here in Nanterre. We are discovering that going to the big market every couple of days soon becomes a chore thanks to the crowds and waiting in lines, so maybe once a week, with the Franprix filling in the gaps, will work better. We understand why so many have pull carts when they shop, you can get more home with less strain, we may need one of those one day.

Our journeys are close to home for a bit, then off again. Hope your travels are enjoyable and that you find time to capture the moment, eat good food, and meet new people.

8 Comments Add yours

  1. I have always visited Paris in the off-season when it’s much less crowded. Pastis is a favourite that we occasionally dip into at home when we feel like it. Beautiful sketches (and food!).

    Liked by 2 people

  2. David Buehler says:

    Depending on how one reads this sentence it could mean a WHOLE lot of bus stops (roughly 258 stops) before getting to within a few feet of your apartment: “The 258 bus stops just a few feet from our apartment”. lol

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Sheree says:

    I love how you’re always travelling

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Shirley says:

    It’s a shame you can’t get frequent flier miles for all the steps you’re taking all over Paris–and will take in Dublin–and beyond! LOVE the sketch of two people at a Parisian cafe. It’s both of you sitting there, isn’t it…!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, but the sketch was in Nanterre and was of two men eating lunch nearby. Frequent steps program, hmmm…


  5. Lisa Baker says:

    Dear Travel Sketcher, you know my love for taking the pull cart to the grocery. Pull carts are the champ! Glad to hear you are seeing their benefit… (Smile.)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Actually we never got one, but I do see their value.


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