Dublin town

We are in Dublin, the first time for either of us in Ireland, I was in Northern Ireland, a different country, many years ago. We have looked forward to this trip for some time, and it has been good.

We started off with a visit to the Guinness Storehouse, a multimedia experience that tells the story of how Guinness is made. They are also geniuses at marketing.

My Goodness, My Guinness

Dublin has a pub or two on every street, so we had our first few meals at pubs.

The problem with the pub food here is first off that it is sooooo good and secondly it is soooo big, so I was stuffed. Today, looking for a change, we stopped at one of Jamie Oliver’s restaurants, we have watched him over the years so this was fun and the experience did not disappoint.

It is good to be back sketching. Yesterday we sat outside at the place next to us and I sketched Richmond Tower, it is the entrance to a large park.

Today we took a break at the Stag’s Head pub.

Ireland is also the home of some great whiskey, unlike in Scotland they spell it with an “e”. I must read James Joyce…

And life is just more fun with toilet humor.

Yates said, “The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” That is why we travel. Ireland does draw one in.

9 Comments Add yours

  1. I love Ireland. It’s gorgeous, the history is incredibly deep and the people are wonderful. A very enjoyable post; thanks for taking us along.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Shirley says:

    we visited the same Guinness Factory/Storehouse when we were in Dublin in the early nineties. What a difference a few decades make in terms of technology! We started in a small room with a few chairs, a small television set (rabbit ears included), and watched a 10 minute video on the history of Guinness on an 8-TRACK TAPE (really) before being admitted to the bar for unlimited drink and sustenance. And “May the road rise up to meet you” as you continue your travels.😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This was a far cry from an 8-track. This now competes with Disney, and it seems I read someplace it is considered ne of best museums I world or something like that. In the part where they talk about water the waterfall spells out words and shapes of a pint glass. It was amazing.


  3. Sheree says:

    Enjoy the trip

    Liked by 1 person

  4. pamwoolway says:

    Thanks for the memory! Attended a gre

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, glad it was a good one.


  5. Lisa Baker says:

    You are so well traveled, Travel Sketcher. I can’t believe you haven’t been to non-Northern-Ireland yet! The food from Jamie Oliver’s restaurant looks delicious. And your staging of the Butt Napkin photo is perfect, with the ratty empty toilet paper roll — well done. (Laughing smile.)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Actually no staging from me, some prior patron did the set up, yuck.


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